Cancellation terms

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Cancellation terms

Standard Cancellation terms

A full refund will be provided in case of bad weather or cancellation 5 days before the booked date.

Rescheduling a tour

Tours may be rescheduled up to 5 days before the booked date. The cancellation terms will be applied according to the original reservation date.

Guests identifications

Out tours requires that the person who books has to complete his identification before participating. If you do not complete this procedure within 10 days of purchase, the entire reservation will be canceled and fully refunded.

Weather conditions

In case of bad weather, it will be responsibility of the captain to decide the cancellation or interruption of a tour. In case of cancellation, a total refund will be provided. In case of interruption the customer will be charged only for the time spent on the boat.

Cancellations due to an emergency

We understand that emergencies can happen. For cancellations made in compliance with the Terms of extenuating circumstances and for those made for valid security reasons, we will not apply any penalty.